The EGEIN Engineering & Construction team is very proud to help in the strategic and operational growth of our clients throughout their history and professional career.

Having designed and built a factory in the cosmetic chemical sector in France with ICPE classification in 2003, and 20 years later, our client has once again entrusted us with comprehensive engineering and construction services for its strategic growth, delegating all its trust in our equipment to design and build turnkey its new factory, which will allow an operational improvement and growth of its production and distribution capacity for its expansion and international positioning in its sector.

After having optimized the technical solution to resolve the functional problems of the different operational areas of R&D, production, logistics and administration through the multidisciplinary work of engineering and technical office, we will soon begin the turnkey construction works, with the renewed enthusiasm in our client's teams and management committee.
EGEIN, more than an engineering and more than a construction company. We help our industrial clients grow by accompanying them in all their stages of business development!!



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We have been accompanying our clients for more than 45 years in the development of the project until the start-up of the facilities with the seriousness, commitment and professionalism that characterizes us.