Innovation in energy for industry: EGEIN photovoltaic solutions

At EGEIN, we understand the importance of optimizing energy use in logistics complexes and industrial warehouses.

Therefore, we offer advanced solutions in photovoltaic solar energy, designed to maximize efficiency and reduce operating costs.

Technical advantages:
Cost Reduction: Our systems can reduce electricity expenses by up to 80%, taking advantage of unused areas such as the roofs of large buildings.

Effective self-consumption:

The implementation of self-consumption technologies allows companies to be more self-sufficient and less dependent on the external electrical grid.

Durability and profitability:

With a 25-year performance guarantee, investments in photovoltaics offer attractive long-term returns.

Environmental contribution:

By adopting renewable energy, your company not only optimizes costs, but also supports environmental sustainability, significantly reducing the carbon footprint.

EGEIN is an ally to transform the industrial complex into a model of energy efficiency and sustainability.



Our projects

Explore our buildings

We have been accompanying our clients for more than 45 years in the development of the project until the start-up of the facilities with the seriousness, commitment and professionalism that characterizes us.